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Pisces Season


Pisces Season begins when the Sun enters the region of the sky associated with the constellation Pisces. Running from approximately February 20th to March 20th every year, it heralds a time when our collective attention naturally turns towards Pisces themes, such as matters of faith and doubt, transcendence and dissociation, intuition and illusion. Pisces is the Mystic of the Zodiac. The Innocent. The One Who Merges. Pisces energy invites us to look beyond the 'veil' of our physical senses and time to what exists beyond.

The planetary ruler of Pisces, Neptune, is the Great Attuner, and Pisces carries that energy of attunement as well. When the Sun is in Pisces, we're invited to more consciously approach our own attunement, our spirituality, and our connections to all things Unseen.

Dr. Dan Siegel explains attunement in this way: "When we attune with others we allow our own internal state to shift, to come to resonate with the inner world of another. This resonance is at the heart of the important sense of “feeling felt” that emerges in close relationships." To attune means to bring into harmony. Much like a musical instrument that is in tune sounds pleasant to the ear and one that is not in tune sounds jarring, we can be in tune or out of tune with truth, with energy, with something unseen yet somehow sensed. When I speak of attunement in relation to astrology, Neptune, and Pisces, I'm speaking in terms of energy and frequency and influence. Attuning yourself to something or someone in essence means that you're bringing your inner world into resonance with that thing or person.

You're either matching or harmonizing with their energy.

Pisces Season is the last of the Sign Seasons before the astrological new year, which begins with the Sun's entrance into Aries and the Spring Equinox (Autumnal Equinox if you live in the Southern Hemisphere.) It's the Omega to Aries' Alpha. Part of preparing to connect more fully with your own ability to act, your own identity/will (which is much of what Aries energy is about) is recognizing how you're connected to the Universe as a whole. Pisces (and Neptune) connect us to the Unseen: spirituality and energy, spirits and intention, revelation and deception, all the things we usually can't sense by means of our physical senses but that we somehow FEEL anyway. And we can attune to these Unseen forces. We do it all the time (many of us quite unconsciously, which effectively limits our agency--our capacity to choose and act as co-creators with God/Universe). When you consciously choose what you want to attune to, ACT accordingly, and BE (exist, begin to become, open, resonate) in that energy, THAT is when you step into your role as a Creator in this existence. 

What you attune to, what you resonate with on an energetic level is what you eventually become.

Unless you shift your attunement to something else.

Do you see why exploring your own attunement before stepping into the energy of emergence, action, personal identity, and beginnings that comes with the Astrological New Year and Aries Season is so important? If you're attuning to something unseen that isn't in alignment with who you want to be and where you want to go, then you've probably achieved harmony with something, but you're out of tune with either your own desire, your spark of Divinity, or both. That's not the kind of new growth you're hoping for this Spring, is it?

So, my invitation to you today (and tomorrow and the rest of your life) is to examine your heart, your thoughts, your actions and ponder what Unseen influence you're attuned to. And, if you don't like the harmony you're engaging in, shift your attunement. What does that process look like? I don't know what it looks like for you (though I could get a pretty good idea looking at your natal chart. If you'd like support exploring that, feel free to schedule a session with me), and I honor you as the authority of your own life and energy. For me, it looks like searching my own soul and writing what I find there in either my journal or burnal (aka burn journal) to sort out what I want, where I'm headed, and whether I'm attuned to what's in alignment with my Highest Self. It looks like pouring out my Light and my Shadow in prayer before my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. It looks like being willing (or willing to be willing) to change, and seeking Divine and earthy aid for what I can't change on my own.

If you're interesting in a guided journey into your own expression of Pisces energy during this Pisces Season, my Working with the Energy of Pisces Season: Workbook and 30-day Prompted Journal is an amazing resource.

Through light and shadow,



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