Lunation: The Blog The Beauty & Power of Circle

The Beauty & Power of Circle


I wanted to reach out today and explain a little more about women's circles in general and why I use circle gatherings in my work.

So...what is a Women's Circle?

A women's circle is essentially a gathering of women with the shared intention of supporting and encouraging each other and creating a safe space to experience a sense of sistership.

Circles often have themes (though not always), can be held in-person or virtually, and can be very small or quite large. In-person gatherings will frequently include a potluck beforehand. There may be guided meditations, shared hugs and/or massages, dancing, poetry reading, or bonding exercises. Virtual circles break down the barriers of physical distance and available space.

Women's circles usually include some time for each woman to share her perspective and experiences, with an agreement that no one else tries to "fix her" or give her advice without her asking for it. Empathy is the guide. Holding space for each other is the gift.

Circles aren't just for women; they can be for men or a mix of genders as well. I just tend to focus on women's circles in my work.

Why Circle?

In a world where women often feel isolated from or even in competition with other women, circle is an opportunity to remember and embrace our shared womanhood and sisterhood.

It's a place to be real and raw, and a place to have fun and be free. A place to mourn and rejoice. 

To be still. 

To let go. 

To be refreshed. 

A place to step into your power and a place to lay your burdens down.

I don't have any sisters (in the sense of my parents having a daughter besides me), but there's something in my natal chart that echoes a longing in my heart. My Sun, Moon, Mercury, and North Node are all in the 3rd House, which is the house of sibling relationships. I long for siblings. For brothers and sisters, but especially for sisters. My soul longs for sistership, so for me, that is why I circle.

Why will you circle?

What do you long for?

One of the most beautiful things about circle to me is that no one is there to try to fix anyone else. We're there to witness and to be witnessed in the deepest, most vulnerable and empowering sense of the word.

As someone who is very introverted, facilitating circle can honestly sometimes be a little intimidating. 

But then I think of you. 

And I think of your humanness. 

And I think of all that we might share and all that might be different between us, and I remember how it feels to be met in my humanity and graciously, lovingly held. And that feeling, my dear friend, is worth all the uncomfortableness of stepping outside of my fear and into circle.

Will you meet me there?

Through light and shadow,



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